> In article <>, (Robert T. Warfield) writes:
> >
> > A few years ago, I met an alien in a bar. Actually, It was a woman
> > claiming to be an alien.
> > She said that she was an incorporeal being from another dimension who
> > decided to inhabit a human infant and grow up in our culture. The
> > reason for this is that her colleagues were going to destroy the earth
> > in 1997 because of mankinds potential to develope interdimensional
> > transport (they also think that we are sick and disgusting, no suprise
> > there).
> > She is of the opinion that we have some redeming qualities and does
> > not want us to be destroyed just yet.
> > Believe it or not, this is not fiction. Has anyone else heard of
> > incorporeal biengs in human bodies wanting to destroy the earth?
>Does she plan to go down with the planet?
Maybe it was a turn-on.
Maybe she was on medication.
Why would someone claiming to be of a superior culture AND finding us
so disgusting hang out in a bar ?!
Anyway, with the economy the way it is I dont even think we will be on
Mars in 1997, never mind other dimensions!
And why would anyone that has an entire stack of dimensions at their
beck and call hang around and watch us. In fact, I dont even think it
would be worth the trouble for any aliens to destroy us, unless
they were building an Intergalactic Freeway, of course.
Organization: Netcom - Online Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)
Lines: 32
So don't expect an email reply from me until Sept. 14 or later.
I'll be in Sedona, AZ, where I hope to live eventually. I will be taking a look
at the real estate, the surrounding area, the Vortexes and the red lights
people see around Bell Rock at night. Also gonna look for the black helecopters
and the underground base that Tom Dongo sez is near Boyntonn Canyon there.
He also talks about an interdimensional enity that lives in the Canyon, and
lights that streak through on the way to Secret Canyou, behind it.
This canyon is sacred ground to the indians there for thousands of years,
and is the sight of a female energy vortex; one of several in the area.
The area has been the home of indians for as long as there were indians in
North America, and is considered by many to be "pickup spot" for the mother-ships
when the crap hits the fan, in the not so distant future. Who knows? But at least
they don't have earth quakes several times a year, and hurricans are unheard of.Maybe the occasional monsoon, that's about it in the natural disaster dept.
I'm taking some fast film, a telephoto lens and a rich-field telescope, so
I think I have a good chance of seeing/finding some of this stuff, since I
will be camping and looking at the sky quit a bit...
MIB's, helecopters that turn into disks mid-flight, red-lights, interdimensional
entities, underground bases; it's all there in an area of about 100 square miles.
If I don't come back, don't send a search party. The greys got me.
Since the natives are shy and elusive, little was known about them before Dr. C's landmark expedition. We arrived in their village with the goal of observing the people in their day to day lives. This proved to be difficult at first since they were very suspicious and didn't come out of their huts for days. But gradually, they began to lose their fear and approached us., They became wonderful hosts, feeding us and giving us shelter at night.--End Part 3. John Winston.
The exlorers admired the way the natives used their forked feet. they even witnessed the birth of a two-toed baby. In the past, the few researchers who had observed the ostrich people believed that their strange feet were the result of a genetic mutation, since we had to accept this explanation but then something amazing happened.
It was during the night of a full moon that Dr.C.'s team was wakened by the natives, who were naked and had painted their entire bodies glowing silver. The awestruck explorers followed the tribe into the dark jungle. After several hours, they came upon a large, shining silver dome.
It was badly smashed and covered with vegetation. The tribe began dancing wildly around it and singing songs to their ancestors from the sky.
The dome was like nothing of this earth. The incredible ceremony continued until the first light of dawn. Then the weary ostrich people led the explorers back to their village.
On the way, an elder told Dr.C. that about 200 years ago, the large spinning sun had fallen from the sky, bringing the tribe's ancestors to the remote jungle area. That was all anyone remembered.
More will be known when the French team returns to the jungle to study the crashed UFO. This article was written by Francis Shipplett.
The Sun Magazines Editorial Offices are at 5401 N.W. Broken Sound Blvd. Boca Raton, FL. 33487.
Len and I decided to meet over at a church building at 800 P.M on friday. We both arrived on time and started our conversation in a small room. After talking for a while Len put something heavy and metalic into the palm of my hand and asked me to let him know what impression I got from it. I continued to talk while holding it and finallly told him that I didn't get much of a reaction from it at all. He then told me that he had once given the piece of metal to a leader of a UFO club down in southern Calif.
who was saying that he had been contacted physically by the people in the flying saucers when in actuality he had only had an astral (spiritual) experience with them. When the peice of metal was given to the person it got hot and nearly knocked him over. Len then asked the person if he got the message and he said that he did.
It seems that this metal was once left behind after a UFO or identified flying object IFO landing. Some people took the metal and melted it down, I think, into an easily carried form.
After talking for a while we found that Len had been directed along the same path (sometimes called The Path) that I had come over. He knew all of the people that I had been acquainted with like John Hopkin, Nola Van Valer and a great many more. Len then told me that he was in the Vehicle Work. He was a person who took people for field trips in his car and put them in touch with the people in the flying saucers. My responce to that was, "Let's go". I then suggested that we go up on Mission Peak because t
here was a lot of IFO activity up there. He then said that he didn't think we should go up there because we would have an accident if we tried to go up there that weekend. Len then said that many times he gets mental messages to tell someone a certain bit of information and the results are very interesting. End Part 2 John Winston.
There is a person who once was a CIA pilot in Southeast Asia, a 30 year air line pilot and the son of the person who invented the same jet planes that are used by rich people. His name is John Lear. lately he has been saying quite a few things about our government in the press. It's all public information. Here are a few things he is saying; The U.S. government has recovered more than 40 flying saucers belonging to alien civilizations far beyond our solar system. And Navy pilots have successfully flown
several of these craft under a secret program begun in the mid-1950s. The remains of as many as 100 captive Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs), representing as many as 15 different species, are being secretly preserved in cryogenic storage.
The U.S. has established secret bases on the moon and on Mars, with NASA's Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Spacelab and Shuttle projects just smoke screens for what's really been going on.
John Lear didn't give UFOs much thought until a friend of his told him the truth about the Brentwaters Air Force Base Incident near London, England in late 1980. After that he started to piece together facts about what He believed to be a massive but well-intentioned cover-up by the U.S. government. He said he discovered that working behind a cloak of ultrasecrecy, the U.S. many years ago granted the aliens permission to abduct humans in exchange for their superadvanced technology. He believes that at thi
s moment , there are at least 70 different species of aliens on Earth performing an infinite variety of missions and there are also secrtet alien underground bases on American soil.
Once he told the son of a friend that he should not take a certain trip down a certain road that night until he had checked the left side of his car. The young man checked his car and replaced a worn out tire and shock absorber on the right side of his car. He then checked with Len to see if he could have been wrong in that it was the right side of the car. Len then reassured him that it was the left side and that if he didn't fix the car there would be a fatality. The boy then in no uncetrtain terms told
Len that he didn't know what he was talking about and hung up the phone. After a while the boy phoned up again to beg his pardon because he found that two lug bolts had come off of his front left wheel and the other lug bolt were barely still on the wheel. If he hadn't corrected it he would have surely been killed that evening.
Len suggested that we go up into Niles Canyon. I was farmiliar with the story that is connected with Niles Canyon. About 12 to 17 years back there was a young lady who was driving down the cnayon road trying to get home to where she lived across the Dumbarton Bridge. Her car had hit a small bridge on the Niles Canyon Road and she was killed. After that time over quite a long period of time (serveral year) people had seen her ghost hitchhiking along the road. People had even stopped to pick her up and she
would get in the back seat of their car. After going down the road for quite a while and without stopping the car the girl would no longer be in the car. The people in Niles and Fremont, Calif. have a lot of fun during the Halloween season trying to find her along that road. The local paper has written this up on different occasions and I believe I saw a similar story on a T.V. show One Step Beyond or Outter Limits hosted by Rod Sterling.
So after all of this small talk we were on our way in his car. When we got to within about 5 miles of the area Len asked me what I was feeling. I then told him that I was feeling like something had been put on my shoulders and was pressing them down. He said that the feeling was correct because he also was wearing a spritual type of helmet. I didn't quite understand it all but had heard of people who had seen a space man by the name of Ashtar and he had a beautiful uniform on and a large helmet.
Since the natives are shy and elusive, little was known about them before Dr. C's landmark expedition. We arrived in their village with the goal of observing the people in their day to day lives. This proved to be difficult at first since they were very suspicious and didn't come out of their huts for days. But gradually, they began to lose their fear and approached us., They became wonderful hosts, feeding us and giving us shelter at night.--End Part 3. John Winston.
The exlorers admired the way the natives used their forked feet. they even witnessed the birth of a two-toed baby. In the past, the few researchers who had observed the ostrich people believed that their strange feet were the result of a genetic mutation, since we had to accept this explanation but then something amazing happened.
It was during the night of a full moon that Dr.C.'s team was wakened by the natives, who were naked and had painted their entire bodies glowing silver. The awestruck explorers followed the tribe into the dark jungle. After several hours, they came upon a large, shining silver dome.
It was badly smashed and covered with vegetation. The tribe began dancing wildly around it and singing songs to their ancestors from the sky.
The dome was like nothing of this earth. The incredible ceremony continued until the first light of dawn. Then the weary ostrich people led the explorers back to their village.
On the way, an elder told Dr.C. that about 200 years ago, the large spinning sun had fallen from the sky, bringing the tribe's ancestors to the remote jungle area. That was all anyone remembered.
More will be known when the French team returns to the jungle to study the crashed UFO. This article was written by Francis Shipplett.
The Sun Magazines Editorial Offices are at 5401 N.W. Broken Sound Blvd. Boca Raton, FL. 33487.
Organization: Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Australia
References: <>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1992 04:00:55 GMT
Lines: 43
rscott@spock.NMSU.Edu (Joseph Good) writes:
>I have a friend who insists he is constantly examined. He doesn't
>use the term abducted, because nothing really bad happens. But, when
>he described his experiences to us, some interesting questions
>came up.
>He said that the 'aliens' that examine him are the greys and
>the 'praying mantis' types, and the mantis ones are all around
>us, but disguised quite well. These mantis types are the 'seekers'
>that go out get him for the 'examination'. Has there been any
>other reports of the mantis aliens doing stuff like this?
I don't know anything about the Mantis type....worries me a bit that
their are so many alien types around. I didn't realise the universe was
teeming with so much life....especially life that resembles Earth insects. ;-)
>Second, he says they are constantly asking him history questions.
>They seem to get angry when he doesn't really know much about
>the world history. They ask questions that he has never heard of
>and they insist that those instances were major turning points in
>world history. Again, any other reports of aliens 'quizing' us
>about anything??
Actually this is a common report. Especially the bit about the aliens
getting angry. Does he claim they show him moving pictures on crystals
that look just like the real historical event? This is one I've heard
Greys get up to....though I seriously question a device that looks into
the past (no flames about my closed mind please)....
>Just wondering...
Me too...How does a huge praying mantis disguise itself so as not to look
conspicuous around human beings?
Any answers from your friend?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jamie P. Curmi (, Department of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics
The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last night I met some aliens in one of the smaller alleys in Cambridge. I was buying primary colour rubber balls from the yellow coin machines and they approached me saying that I was their friend and would I therefore accept a portable audiovisual unit. Their hearing covers such an enormous bandwidth that this portable device gives the purest sound quality ever heard on this planet, with only two disadvantages: they have three ears, making the headphones very uncomfortable to wear, and all of their music
consists of two tings on a bell.
The visual part of the device is even less useful in that their eyes are constructed across a flat expanse of their bodies as a cluster of tubes, each with a piece of light-sensitive tissue at the end, one pixel per tube. They have no lens; each tube receives its light from directly ahead which is how the image is formed. This means that they do not see in perspective. Things remain the same apparent size however far away they are - the only distance cues they get are from parallax and haze.
On the plus side, they live less than twenty light-years away, and were therefore able to give me a triphonic remix of 'Dark Side of the Moon'.
Organization: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Lines: 10
Okay guys, I'm gonna try an experiment.
Hypothesis: It is possible for John Winston to send his picture to me using astral travel, or whatever he calls it.
Procedure: John has agreed to help me out with this, so next wednesday at 11:00(Hey, what time zone!) I'm gonna chant or stick a mango in my ear or whatever it takes to get him to send me his picture. Then he's gonna send it snail mail.
I'll compare pictures and report back.
I'm going in stating that I have never ridden the astral convoy before, nor beena member of any religious, new age, or spiritual organizaton. My intrest in this is solely scientific. Mail (my dad) if you don't believe me. I am endeavoring to remain belief neutral until the experiment is over.
Big Al. who is reading sci.skeptic. Maybe will add some data.
Organization: Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Australia
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1992 00:42:34 GMT
Lines: 14
Q. What is the difference between Greys and Broccoli?
A. Greys taste better.
(Don't blame me...a friend told me it on the weekend)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jamie P. Curmi (, Department of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics
The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Organization: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Lines: 15
In article <> writes:
[storms, Hawaii, and Mother nature deleted.]
> In regards to someone trying to communicate with me
>by telepathy and me showing up to them astrally, this gets a little
>scary because I'm going to appear as a ghost. If you haven't seen
>a ghost and especially if you don't believe in ghost in the first
>and last place, this can scare you out of your wits. A person should
>just be in a passive mood (put your mind in neutral) and I'll come
>through and give a message and two pictures.
If anyone was curious, that someone is me. I wrote up the proposal for an experiment some time back (a coupla days). Anyway, at 10:00 11:00, or 12:00, depending on how I figure out the time zones, John's gonna send me his picture. We hope. (And several people wish I would figure out how to use vi) I suppose I
should mention that the experiment will take place wednesday. Am I starting
to write like John?
Big Al. Looking for the gearshift lever on his brain...